Friday, 31 July 2015

The Art of Being First to Arrive Too Late: An Interview with Thomas Nordanstad

An Excerpt 

Director Thomas Nordanstad's newest documentary follows award winning Swedish photojournalist Paul Hansen in his travels. Thomas brilliantly captures Paul’s unique attributes along with the emotional commitment his job requires. One is left to appreciate the import role that photojournalism plays in bridging the gap between people living very different lives by skilfully capturing the collective and individual struggles that exist around the world. His exceptional ambitious and compassionate approach has successfully contributed to bringing our world closer together. 

The Libertarian Distorted Freedom

image from
Many staunchly conservative Republicans, especially those associated with the Tea Party and Libertarian movement, strongly advocate the appealing concept of 'freedom' and promise to uphold it in Government. Steve Eicher, C.E.O of the movement claims that the Tea Party is 'keeping alive the voice of freedom'. The slogan of the American Libertarian Party is 'Maximum Freedom, Limited Government'. Sounds appealing does't it? Well, when analysing what freedoms are supported and what principles are supported to fulfil those freedoms one might realise that this approach to freedom is only guaranteed to certain people and for certain monetary interest. Freedom is not upheld for all and there is a grave clashing of freedoms, where the freedoms of the more vulnerable in society would be diminished to uphold and increase the freedoms of the powerful.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Nature is Free: Go Enjoy It

The natural world around us us filled with adventure waiting to happen, full of thrilling potential within its calm and solitary stillness. It is within our genes to explore and experience it to grow and learn to better survive. It is a survival instinct to go out and explore. One of the many beautiful attributes of nature is that it is free and memorable experiences within it is welcomed despite financial assents. The only dependent factor is whether one has access to nature both geographically and physically. If it is possible for this barrier to be overcome, nature provides for a free and all inclusive solace for beautiful memories to be made, learnings to be made and beauty to be appreciated. Seek out your own free nature experiences that you can access!
Recently I have had the privilege to enjoy:

1. Body Surfing

Why 'Niceness' Isn't Everything

Whether someone is 'nice' or not seems to be a common criteria in which people are judged by and approved or disapproved of. If someone were to describe an unknown person to you they usually start by labelling them as nice as if to give them some sort of stamp of approval as to what one will think of that person. However, being nice shouldn't necessarily be the fundamental decider on the preference of a person. 
Firstly, 'niceness' doesn't determine the true goodness of a person. There is a difference between a good person and a person who does good things. Someone cab be an evidently nice person who seems cheerful, smiley and outgoing but who I feel may not have pure intentions or any depth to their cheeriness. They may be narcissistic or using their niceness with bad ulterior motives. 
In addition, I have encountered many people who would't typically be described as 'nice' yet mean well, have few bad intentions or ulterior social agendas. They may not take such a pro-active approach to singular acts of kindness or have an obvious 'sweetness' to them. However, they can be extremely warm hearted, genuinely empathetic, and would stick with you throughout your troubles. The 'in your face' niceness as a criteria used to judge a person diminishes those introverted, socially challenged or troubled and damaged people who posses a warm heart.
Also, the more obvious 'in your face' nice facade can even sometimes be a sign of having to prove social worth or used as a means to an end socially whereas a genuinely good person would not feel the need to parade their niceness around and would let their purity speak for itself. The second approach is one that I trust more because genuine, pure and even silent intentions speak much louder than a facade of niceness or a series of supposedly nice actions and behaviours. A person upholding this approach will touch your life at many points due to their genuine concern and empathy for you, and not only when it is convenient for the 'nice' person. 

Underwater Photo Collection

“Just like a sunbeam can't separate itself from the sun, and a wave can't separate itself from the ocean, 
we can't separate ourselves from one another. 
We are all part of a vast sea of love, one indivisible divine mind.”

― Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Song Lyrics From A Train Jounrey

Whilst gazing at the glorious greenery of Southern France rushing by on my train journeys some little phrases from the songs I was listening to seemed to stand out particularly prominently to me at the time and lingered and rang in my ears throughout my journey. I wished to share and remind you of these little gems...

"When the rain has hung the leaves with 
tears, I want you near to kill my fears to help
me to leave all my blues behind"

- Donovan, Catch the Wind

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Positive Vs. Negative Growth

Growth can be divided into that which is positive, and which we should strive for, and then that which is negative, which is seen far too common and even aimed for in our world. Positive growth is that which is natural and seen as healthy. To a child or a seed growth is the most wonderful thing, and is admired and celebrated by others. It is seen as a miracle. Our knowledge and experiences are also natural developments of our existence whose progression we seek out and are hungry for. 

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Why Self Love Sets All Things Right

Self love is probably the most valuable element of self which should be nurtured and appear as a strong force within you throughout your life. Self love is by no means selfish, nor is it at all arrogant or narcissistic. It is in fact selfless and humble. It is what will both save ourselves from our own personal hell and the world from its harsh realities.

When you are filled with love towards yourself you are then more capable and driven to pass that love onto others. 

"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness is never decreased by being shared."